10 Fun Terminal Commands for Linux

These are some fun terminal commands to entertain you. COWSAY First install cowsay using apt command. $ sudo apt-get install cowsay With cowsay you can make the cow say(print) anything you want. You can use other animals instead of cow. There are dragons, koalas etc. STEAM LOCOMOTIVE First install sl using apt $ sudo apt-get install sl With the sl command, a steam locomotive would run across your terminal from right to left. FIGLET Install figlet using apt command: $ sudo apt-get install figlet Use figlet to draw ASCII banners. FORTUNE Install fortune using apt command: $ sudo apt-get install fortune Use fortune to generate random quote or fortune for the day. You can use the cowsay with the fortune command. STAR WARS A star wars text animation is broadcasted on towel.blinkenlights.nl. You can see it in the terminal by telnetting to this server $ telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl MATRIX Install cmatrix us...