
10 Fun Terminal Commands for Linux

These are some fun terminal commands to entertain you. COWSAY First install cowsay using apt command. $ sudo apt-get install cowsay With cowsay you can make the cow say(print) anything you want. You can use other animals instead of cow. There are dragons, koalas etc. STEAM LOCOMOTIVE First install sl using apt $ sudo apt-get install sl With the sl command, a steam locomotive would run across your terminal from right to left. FIGLET Install figlet using apt command: $ sudo apt-get install figlet Use figlet to draw ASCII banners. FORTUNE Install fortune using apt command: $ sudo apt-get install fortune Use fortune to generate random quote or fortune for the day. You can use the cowsay with the fortune command. STAR WARS A star wars text animation is broadcasted on You can see it in the terminal by telnetting to this server $ telnet MATRIX Install cmatrix us...

Useful Linux Terminal Shortcuts.

This is the collection of Linux Terminal shortcuts that might be useful for you. Shortcuts' List: Up/Down Arrows: The up and down arrows on your keyboard move through your last used commands. So, if you wanted to run the second to last command you ran, just hit the up arrow twice and hit Enter. You can also edit the command before you run it. Home or Ctrl + A move the cursor to the beginning of the line. End or Ctrl + E moves you back to the end. Shift + PageUp and Shift + PageDown: These are used for scrolling. Ctrl+U: This clears the entire line so you can type in a completely new command. CTRL+SHIFT+C:  To copy selected text. CTRL+SHIFT+V:  To paste you last copied  Pressing Tab completes the name of the current command or directory. Let’s imagine you’re navigating to your downloads folder using this line: cd /home/user/Downloads You can hit tab once you’re at cd /home/user/Dow to automatically fi...

The Hobbit - Book Review.

                       THE HOBBIT J.R.R. Tolkien. Odds are you might have heard this name before. He is famous for his fantasy novels, especially The Lord of the Rings(LotR) trilogy. LotR is an epic masterpiece but we can’t forget the novel that lead Tolkien to write this trilogy. And that novel is: The Hobbit. The Hobbit is a complete tale in itself but it also serves as the prelude to LotR. The Hobbit is a story of, well, a hobbit. This particular hobbit named Bilbo Baggins is – wait let me first tell you what a hobbit is. Hobbits are (or were) little people. They tend to be round-bellied; wear no shoes; have long brown fingers and eat as often as they can. Bilbo is one such hobbit. But the special thing about Bilbo is, he hates adventures, he thinks of them as ‘nasty disturbing uncomfortable things’. But sometimes you get what you hate and this is what happened when Bilbo met Gandalf, the grey wizard. Bilbo...

The Wolf Wilder - Book Review

                                                            THE WOLF WILDER The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell is a fascinating story of a 12-year-old girl named Feodora. Feo lives with her mother in a remote area of Russia.  She has seen more wolves than she has met people. Her mother, Marina, is a wolf wilder. A Wolf Wilder is basically an opposite of animal tamer. People send them the wolves that they can’t control. Feo and her mother ‘untame’ them so that the wolves can live in wild again. But not all people love wolves like Feo does. Some hate them and think that they are vermin. One such person is General Rakov. He burns their house and takes her mother prisoner when they didn’t let him shoot the wolves. Now Feo sets off on a journey to free her mother from the prison. She is escorted by her loyal and trustw...

How to be a Better Student.

It is time you make your dream of becoming a star student a reality. You want to study and learn well but along with this you want to play with your friends and have fun too. But you don’t know how to do it or where to start. Here are a few tips to get you going on the right road to becoming a better student. Pay Better Attention in Class If you’re thinking of becoming a better student, the first thing you need to do is to pay better attention in class. No matter how tempting the world outside the classroom’s window is, you need to focus on your teacher and his/her words. If you cannot resist looking outside or daydreaming, try to sit in the front row. This way you’ll always be in your teacher’s eyes and refrain from putting your attention at something else. Make a Timetable Sunday is the best day of the week. We all like Sunday because of the free time we get and the fun things we do. But we need to realize that Sunday gives us the time to plan the whole week that is a...


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