The Hobbit - Book Review.
THE HOBBIT J.R.R. Tolkien. Odds are you might have heard this name before. He is famous for his fantasy novels, especially The Lord of the Rings(LotR) trilogy. LotR is an epic masterpiece but we can’t forget the novel that lead Tolkien to write this trilogy. And that novel is: The Hobbit. The Hobbit is a complete tale in itself but it also serves as the prelude to LotR. The Hobbit is a story of, well, a hobbit. This particular hobbit named Bilbo Baggins is – wait let me first tell you what a hobbit is. Hobbits are (or were) little people. They tend to be round-bellied; wear no shoes; have long brown fingers and eat as often as they can. Bilbo is one such hobbit. But the special thing about Bilbo is, he hates adventures, he thinks of them as ‘nasty disturbing uncomfortable things’. But sometimes you get what you hate and this is what happened when Bilbo met Gandalf, the grey wizard. Bilbo...