Useful Linux Terminal Shortcuts.
This is the collection of Linux Terminal shortcuts that might be useful for you. Shortcuts' List: Up/Down Arrows: The up and down arrows on your keyboard move through your last used commands. So, if you wanted to run the second to last command you ran, just hit the up arrow twice and hit Enter. You can also edit the command before you run it. Home or Ctrl + A move the cursor to the beginning of the line. End or Ctrl + E moves you back to the end. Shift + PageUp and Shift + PageDown: These are used for scrolling. Ctrl+U: This clears the entire line so you can type in a completely new command. CTRL+SHIFT+C: To copy selected text. CTRL+SHIFT+V: To paste you last copied Pressing Tab completes the name of the current command or directory. Let’s imagine you’re navigating to your downloads folder using this line: cd /home/user/Downloads You can hit tab once you’re at cd /home/user/Dow to automatically fi...